Quantitative fit test (OSHA)

Respirator Fitness Testing

Respirator Fitness Testing

General Information

Respirator Fitness Testing

Whether you use a mask for protection from Asbestos, Viruses such as Covid-19, lead, dust or any work requiring a mask or respirator, The Australian Standard AS/NZS-1715:2009 states that the proper fitting of respiratory protective equipment requires the use of a fit test to determine an adequate match between the facepiece of the RPE and face of the wearer, and recommends annual fit testing of respirators.

EnviroX Consulting provides in house or on site respirator fit testing. We use the Quantitative method using a TSI portacount respirator fit tester which eliminates the guesswork associated with qualitative fit test methods. Passing a Quantitative fit test proves that the respirator is sized correctly and the person is competent in donning the respirator.

Upon passing the fit test the wearer is issued with a fit test report and printed fit test card which states name, ID number, date of test, next test due, mask tested on and the overall fit factor. A fit factor of 100 is required for half face masks, and a fit factor of 500 is required for full face masks.

It is recommended you bring your own mask for fitting if you already use one so that we can ensure it fits you adequately. Out consultants can provide advice and aid to help your mask seal properly on your face, while measuring a live fit factor to ensure your fit test passes. EnviroX Consulting can provide various styles of mask for you to try to make sure you leave your fitting with a suitable fitting mask that achieves a suitable fit factor and will keep you safe.

We ask that any facial hair is shaved prior to your mask fit test, as facial hair can inhibit the seal on the mask, interfering with the fit factor. The attendee must not eat, smoke, drink coffee or chew gum for at least 1 hour prior to the fit test to prevent interference with test measurements.


Quantitative fit test (OSHA)

A quantitative fit test can be use to test any tight-fitting respirator including disposable, half face or full face masks to ensure a proper seal that protects the wearer. This type of fit test is more accurate than a qualitative fit test , known as the gold standard for respirators involved in hazardous work; and uses a Portacount to measure leakage around the face seal by comparing particulates inside the mask compares to outside the mask, resulting in a number called the “fit factor”.

This test involves the user performing four short exercises while wearing the respirator as the readings are taken, breathing as normal:

  • Bending down and back up
  • Running on the spot (reading poem)
  • Turning the head side to side
  • Tilting the head up and down

This ensures readings are taken in a variety of situations that may affect the seal of an inadequately fitting mask to give an accurate fit factor of the mask during real use, ensuring the effectiveness of a mask that meets the required fit factor for its type.


Why choose EnviroX Consulting?

We provide competitive pricing for our mask fit tests, conducted in house at our testing station at the EnviroX Consulting office in Crows Nest, Sydney NSW. For bookings of 5 or more however, we can come to you to set up our mobile mask fit testing for your convenience, providing your mask fit test, documentation and card on site.

We have a wide selection of sample masks for your test should your own mask not provide an adequate seal, and a wide selection of fittings to accommodate any type or brand of respirator for your test so that you always leave us with a safe, well fitting mask with a high fit factor.

All equipment involved in our mask fit testing is decontaminated prior to and following any fit test to ensure the safety of participants and our team.

We look forward to working with you soon.

Asbestos is harmful for your health

Services by stages

Asbestos Inspection

Due to the fact that the ban on Asbestos did not come into effect in Australia until 31 December 2003. This means that many homes and buildings may still contain ACM.

Prior to any renovation or demolition for a building built prior to 2003 an asbestos inspection/asbestos material survey / hazardous material survey should/must be conducted

Asbestos Inspection

Gain a full understanding of asbestos within your home/site

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Need us to inspect, monitor or provide clearance for hazardous material?