Hazardous Material Surveys

Occupational Hygienist Services

Hazardous Material Survey / Audit

Hazardous material surveys/ Audit (HMS) are similar to Asbestos Material Surveys, however as its name states ‘Hazardous Material’ it explores the presence of all potentially hazardous material in a work-environment or building.

Asbestos is in fact one of the key and most renowned hazardous materials worldwide, however there are many others that may still be present without the same level of labeling. These may include but are not limited to lead, SMF and PCBs (PolyChlorinated Biphenyls) that can usually be detrimental to human health through the means of inhalation into our respiratory airways when not worked with or around safely. This can also be done unintentionally if there is no knowledge of what we may be dealing or working with. Hazardous materials such as lead and asbestos are usually most dangerous when in dust form and airborne. For example, old lead-containing paint flaking off your home may not be dangerous at its current state, however when being removed by ungoverned or uncontrolled procedures and circumstances we may become exposed to unnecessary and of course unneeded harm. However when you decide to tap into home improvement projects, the removal method chosen is what matters, paint removal can be done by the sanding of hard surfaces (hazardous method of removal) or by means of chemical-strip off (a safer option when done by licensed professionals).

The HMS report will dictate the recommended method of removal of such materials which will give you a first steppingstone to the project no matter how big or small it may be. This provides the needed information for you to commence your search on potential companies that can assist you in the recommended and safe methods as outlined to govern for your safety and everyone else’s.

In the similar structure and nature of its investigation, the report will consist of a simple yet informative register just like an AMS that will detail the building’s Room, surface, Material Application, Quantity, Units, Sample Type, Sample ID number, Photograph number, Analytical Result, Material Condition, Risk Status, Control Recommendations/Comments and review date.

It is fundamentally a more detailed and in-depth survey to its counterpart (AMS) which only investigates ACM. HMS will ensure that you will be covered for most of the criteria that most councils will require for any form of development or renovations required. A HMS will keep both yourself, family, neighbours, and the community at ease. Our trained sets of eyes will lay down the important details for one to focus on before any disturbance of unseen or unheard-of hazardous materials that may be lurking around. For hazardous material to go unseen or even unnoticed, coupled with its unknown condition will be the most detrimental – as untrained contractors or other work tradesman alike may be put at risk also. A HMS is also key to Hazardous Material Demolition plans, when provided and checked off on your checkbox list. The work-around orders can be planned accordingly to the provided survey report, this ensures that you and your project can have designated work orders adjusted as per your calendar of operations – may include but not limited to which waste can be taken to which designated tip, how it should be treated onsite to how it should be exported offsite.

Asbestos is harmful for your health

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Recently acquired a home or building that may be built well prior to the year 2004? Happen to be investing into a large-scale renovation or demolition project? An Asbestos Material Survey (AMS) may be your solution.

EnviroX Consulting also conduct AMS inspections, these are fundamentally larger-scaled Asbestos Inspections. Its scope comprises of a full-detailed survey on a subject home or building to locate and assess the condition all asbestos-containing materials inside and out.

Asbestos Material Survey/Audit/Register

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Need us to inspect, monitor or provide clearance for hazardous material?